LAST WEEK – what did you achieve last week?
- Facilitated communication between: Atera, Channel Partner, Sales Force, and NLDDS
- Completed Invoice requests
- Continued to add contracts and data as I discovered them into Channel partner
ISSUES – what issues did you face & how did you solve them?
- Lack of centralized data anywhere no matter where I have tried to create it
- Frequent interruptions due to client issues and many fires
OPPORTUNITIES – what opportunities have you spotted this week?
- Better closing statements, try to improve communication of the team
- Work better on building the lion report out for continued use and growth
NEXT WEEK – what do you commit to achieve by next week?
- Continue to broker communication with salesforce in an attempt to reduce our monthly bill for slack
- Schedule a call with atera, and get the audit of our instance on paper
- Includes setting up training and reporting for atera for our people
- Work with jason to understand what we can achieve via swagger to facilitate our new portal
- Make adjustments to Change Request to better reflect necessary data
- Continue audit on services per client and round them all into flex point and remove the billing from quickbooks